Abcam, Inc.

Scientific - Medical Chemicals
PA Supplier:
Uniform Guidance:


  • Primary antibodies
  • Secondary antibodies
  • Immunoassay kits and reagents
  • Cell tissue and imaging tools
  • Proteins and peptides
  • Proteomics tools Agonists, activators, antagonists and inhibitors
  • Lysates
  • Multiplex miRNA assays

Purchasing Method

PantherExpress System - Punchout.

Supplier Contacts

Andrea Gray
Account Manager

University of Pittsburgh

Shipping and Delivery

Abcam orders may show incomplete shipping information with the initial purchase in the PantherExpress System. S&H may appear as $0.00 until the purchaser receives the confirmation receipt by email; however, shipping charges do apply. Please see the following excerpt from the contract:

Delivery and Freight Costs Freight costs for each purchase order will be applied as follows: Supplier ships via FedEx Priority. Standard blue ice shipments are $45 and dry ice shipments are $60. Non-dry ice kits are $49. Dry-ice kits are $60. Supplier charges one shipping charge only. This value will correspond to the shipping charge of the item with the highest shipping charge on the shipment, irrespective of shipping condition(s), number of products and product type(s). In the event the University requests an institutional FedEx account number to be used, Supplier assesses a packing and handling charge of $26.

Special Instructions

Effective April 1, 2021, Abcam has updated their Cell Line Limited Use License information. It is important for researchers to review the latest Cell Line Limited Use License information from Abcam prior to purchasing modified cell lines that have been generated using CRISPR Cas9 technology. There are limitations that researchers need to understand, especially if they are planning to publish research associated with the use of these cell lines.

Green Program
