Supplier Spotlight: CDI Printing

Welcome to the latest edition of the Supplier Spotlight series that features local and diverse University suppliers. This series is designed so that you can get to know each of the different suppliers and the stories that brought their businesses to life. In recognition of Earth Month, we are excited to shine the supplier spotlight on CDI Printing, a University-wide Contracted Supplier for a variety of printing services with a focus on sustainability.

Read the full supplier spotlight for CDI Printing, including more about its owners, business, services, and story that has made this company a valued supplier to Pitt.

As a reminder, spending with local and diverse businesses is an institutional priority. The University has established goals, some as part of the Plan for Pitt, to support community and economic development by increasing spending with local and diverse businesses. Spending with CDI Printing, a diverse business and sustainably-focused business, is one way to help support these goals.

You can also check out all the previous Supplier Spotlights.